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Help with Expression for Fusion Pro Desktop


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Hi, Just purchased FP Expression and need help in getting this to work in Fusion Pro Desktop. Please can you point me in the right direction. I have created a number of variable images in Expression but need to link with FP Desktop. I am using FP7.1P1C with Expression 3.1.9 and Acrobat 9.4.1 and Mac OS X 10.6.6

Any help will be greatly appreciated:):):)

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The Frodo Travel tutorial, which ships with FusionPro, is an example of using FP Expression images in a FusionPro job. Basically, you need to create a Resource of type "FP Expression Image" and browse to your .fpx file. Then you can create a simple rule, based on the "Personalized Picture Rule" template, or in JavaScript, to associate a data field to the personalization.


For more info, take a look at the section in the User Guide titled, "Personalized Images."

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