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Different number of records in first file

Eric Patrick

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I have a job with 85,861 records printing 2 up on a sheet 2 sided. I have created an impo that stacks 500 sheets. I want to have the 1st file produced to only have 361 records (181 sheets) in it so that the rest of the job plots out evenly. I have my data in reverse sort order so it prints correctly on our press. I have "Output to multiple files" checked. In the number of records per file is 1000. I'm selecting the different number of records in first file box and entering in 361. When I compose I get the message "The number of records requested in a chunk is not compatible with the imposition setting. The number of records in a chunk has been adjusted." It doesn't make a plot with the 361 records in it. The job continues to plot in 1000 record chunks (500 sheets per plot). What am i doing wrong? I have attached my .fpi file.


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Your layout is set up to expect 500 records. Per your post, it sounds like you are trying to feed it 1000 records and 361 records respectively (which doesn't seem to account for 500 additional records).


What happens if you change the stack amount to 2 and then check the infinite stack box? That should allow the template to stack any quantity of records it's given (in the print dialog) and divide the number on-the-fly to generate correct output.

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I may have given too much information. I'm wanting to use the "Different number of records in first file" feature to put 361 records in the first plot and then 1000 records in the balance of the plots. I have an impo that works the way i want it to, putting 1000 records in a 2 up layout. The problem is when I check the "Different number of records in first file" box and enter an amount it doesn't do anything. What is that feature for and how do I use it?
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I'll bet that if you look in your composition log (.msg) file, you'll see a message saying, "The number of records requested in a chunk is not compatible with the imposition setting. The number of records in a chunk has been adjusted."


The chunk size (number of records per output file, or in the first output file) has to be an exact multiple of the number of records per stack (500 in this case) defined in your Imposition template; otherwise, FusionPro adjusts the chunk size to fit.

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