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combine two fusion pro documents


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  • 2 weeks later...
i get two separate pdf's to start with. one pdf is 8.5 x 11 letter and the other one is 6.25 x 11 and i want to combine them to get a 15.25 x 11 final document. the two separate pdf's already have the fusion pro text set up exactly as it should be.
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Are you constantly getting two separate .pdfs submitted to a job that it needs to get automated? How many DIFFERENT combos are you doing on a weekly basis?


Could you layout the 2 pdfs first in Quark/InDesign, then export out to FusionPro with it already combined?


If you are getting a lot of pdfs to combine on a weekly basis, you should just have a template setup, 15.25 x 11, then have the .pdfs as images that would be placed into each GRAPHIC FRAME that FusionPro would call out based on either data or manual entry of a callout.

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