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Creative Cloud Fonts

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Is there a trick to get Adobe Creative Cloud fonts to work in FusionPro?  I have selected "Load Fonts" in Fusion Pro but they still don't appear as a choice in my text editor.  I have a long workaround to get it to work but its getting aggravating because more and more designers are choosing their fonts from the cloud.

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Dan, i figured out what I was doing wrong.  Even though my fonts would load in Indesign, I wasn't aware that I had to go into the Creative Cloud App and activate the fonts to be used in different apps.  Sorry for the trouble.

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As I understand it, there are two terms that Adobe uses in their font manager: Activate and Install.

Activated fonts work for all creative cloud apps EXCEPT Acrobat. Fonts must be installed for Acrobat, like for other non-adobe apps like MS Office. I do not know why Adobe treats Acrobat separately, other than maybe because they make the Reader available for free. 


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