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3 Page PDF - Need first 2 pages as online proof and page 3 as download file

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Good Morning Folks,

I have a customer who runs a shell program for business cards.  So when we print the cards we're only imprinting the black text onto the shell.

What I'm trying to do is get the first 2 pages to be just the online proof and get page 3 to be the file that is downloaded after the order is placed.


I've been able to get the preview to be right, but then all 3 pages are downloaded.  I've been able to get it so the correct page is downloaded but is also the online preview.  I have not yet been able to get it so pages one and two are my online preview and page three is my download file.


For the preview I used this code in the OnRecordStart:


onlinePreviewVal = FusionPro.Composition.JobOptions.isOnlinePreview;
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(1, IsPreview());
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(2, IsPreview());
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(3, !IsPreview());


I have attached a pdf to show what I mean.  


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1 hour ago, dvincentBSE said:

I've been able to get the preview to be right, but then all 3 pages are downloaded.  I've been able to get it so the correct page is downloaded but is also the online preview.  I have not yet been able to get it so pages one and two are my online preview and page three is my download file.

Downloaded from where?  MarcomPortal? DSF? WebCRD?  Some other online system?

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Sorry.  I may not have properly articulated this.


This is for Marcom.  When a customer places an order I get a job ticket email with a download link that I click on to download the press file.  I'm trying to get that press file to be page 3 of my document which contains the variable info form them filling out their information.

I'm also trying to get the preview on Marcom to be pages 1 and 2 of my pdf where page 1 would also have the same information they filled out, but this would be for the online previewing.

I hope that clears it up.

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Thanks.  That code looks right for what you're trying to do.  Clearly it is working for the preview.  So I'm not sure why it's not working for the press file.

I wonder if somehow the composition being run for the press version is using a different version of the template, or at least a different .def file without that OnRecordStart rule in it.

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