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Groups and Approval System

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Looking for more information regarding the Customer Info section of MarcomCentral. Specifically, groups and approver.


(Sorry, unable to download the help PDF via masterFPweb at http://files.printable.com/printfusion3/MCC_Manager_Docs/o-Groups_0809.pdf Not Found: The requested URL /printfusion3/MCC_Manager_Docs/o-Groups_0809.pdf was not found on this server. -Please, feel free to delete this part of the post!)


Wondering if there are multi-levels of approvals? For example...


User places order. (Then, order is sent to Department Head to approve or declined, but, if no response is made within x amount of hours, the approval request is sent to the next person in line...or back to user for follow up with a reason.)


Department Head receives order request. (Then, order is sent to Legal Department to approved or declined, but if no response is made within x amount of hours, the approval request is sent to next person in line...or back to user for follow up with a reason.)


Legal Department receives order request. (Then, order is sent to Marketing Department to approved or declined, but if no response is made within x amount of hours, the request is sent to next person in line, maybe, supplier...or back to user for follow up with a reason.)





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First off, the file path has changed and will be updated today:



But to respond to you main inquiry, No there is no method of sending the approval email on to another party after a specified time frame. In each scenario you laid out, you can create an email distribution group for the approval email to go to. This way each person that can make the approval will get the email based on the distribution group inclusion. Once one person makes the approval it will not be available for any of the others.


Hope this helps

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