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Image resources do not output after composing using Producer

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Remember that the Producer composition is happening on a Windows machine (a Target machine configured in the FusionPro Producer Configuration app, on the Scheduler machine), not on your Mac client machine, so that Search Path in the rule, pointing to a local folder on your Mac, doesn't mean anything in the context of the remote Windows composition.

You'll need to put those graphic files on a file share and use a Windows search path so that the Producer Target machine can find them.  This should be a UNC path, starting with "\\", to a file share that is read-accessible by the account under which the Producer composition have been configured to run (also in the FusionPro Producer Configuration app). 

There are a couple of ways to do this.  One, add the Windows UNC path to the Search Path box on the Advanced tab of the Composition Settings dialog in your job.  Or Two, add the Windows UNC path to the Graphic Images Search Path box on the Queue Configuration tab for the queue to which the job is being sent.

Ideally, the Mac would also access the graphics from the same file share that the Windows machine uses.  You'll probably need an AFP or Samba share set up so that the Mac can access it.

You may need to work with your IT team to set up the UNC share with a folder which has the necessary access permissions.  You can contact FusionPro Support for additional assistance in configuring FusionPro Producer.

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