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Pull graphic resource based off of string


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I'm trying to build a a graphic rule that will pull a resource based off of a string that is built. For example: i've built a global function that returns the string Resource("page1-stone1-10.tif").


If I use this function as a graphic rule, it does not return the referenced image. If I use it as a text rule, it does return the correct string that would reference to the resource that is named accordingly. Is it possible to do this or do I have to manually link each graphic resource via a switch/if statement? 

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I don't understand what you're trying to do.  Why not just have the function return the resource itself, instead of a string?  Maybe posting your function code would clarify.

If you're doing something like this:

function GetResource()
    return 'Resource("page1-stone1-10.tif")';

Then you should do something like this instead:

function GetResource()
    return Resource("page1-stone1-10.tif");

Again, if you post your current code then someone here will probably be able to spot the problem pretty quickly.

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I think bmo is just trying to create a resource based on a series of things, ie building out the image name "page1-stone1-10.tif"

bmo, if this is the case, you can create a Graphic rule that is simply:

return CreateResource(page + "-" + type + "-" + number + ".tif", "graphic");


return CreateResource(Field("page") + "-" + Field("type") + "-" + Field("number") + ".tif", "graphic");
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Hi all, thanks for the response. I have hundreds of .tif images that are named very similiarly, so I built a string based off of some data pulled and manipulated from the data file. I found a post on here about returning a <graphic> tag, and adding it to a text field. That did the trick. 


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