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A "friend" deleted his template file...


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Let's say that hypothetically speaking, a "friend" managed to delete his FP template file and it can not be recovered. I know that as long as he still has the associated .def file, he can reimport the rules into a new template and save at least the coding portion of the lost file. But I notice that his .dif file technically contains all the frame names, sizes and offsets as well. Is there any chance that he could somehow recreate the template from that info to minimize his rework? I have convinced him to begin working off a server which gets backed up daily rather than his desktop in the future, but he would be forever grateful if he could salvage the many hours already invested by utilizing the files he was lucky enough not to delete. ;)
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Was this on a mac or pc?


I thought PC had a rollback on the CP that allowed to retrieve files for this instance, probably based on the OS though.


I work off a server also but on a repeat job campaign that we do every month that just the basic art changes, I still make a copy to my desktop of the entire contents in the folder where FusionPro puts all of the other stuff besides the .pdf. This saved me once also as there was a communication error between the output of InDesign to update just the artwork(fusionpro template).

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Was this on a mac or pc?

This was on a Mac, which up until recently was using Time machine for hourly backups AND Dropbox for the FP templates so I could work on them from home when necessary.


That changed about a month ago though as part of some new security restrictions required by some bank clients which force us to use FileVault. Apparently FileVault and Time Machine don't play nice together. Additionally, due to the way TimeVault works, once you log out of your profile (nightly requirement) the home directory is re-encrypted and disk space is wiped and recovered making file recovery programs like Norton useless.

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