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Fixing Cardinal Directions, Roads, and Suites in Addresses


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I need help creating a rule that fixes multiple parts of an address. I need assistance fixing variations in the inputs for cardinal directions in an address, road in an address, and suite if there is a suite number in the address.

I have included examples that way the field might be inputted and the output I would like the rule to spit out. I want the rule to combine all directions, roads, and suite variations provided in the examples.


  • 512 N Elm Ave, Ste. 200, Meadowville, NY 12345
  • 512 N. Elm Ave, Sut. 200, Meadowville, NY 12345
  • 512 North Elm Ave., Suite 200, Meadowville, NY 12345


  • 512 North Elm Avenue, Suite 200, Meadowville, NY 12345




  • 512 E Elm St, Ste. 200, Meadowville, NY 12345
  • 512 E. Elm St., Sut. 200, Meadowville, NY 12345
  • 512 East Elm Street, Suite 200, Meadowville, NY 12345


  • 512 East Elm Street, Suite 200, Meadowville, NY 12345




  • 512 W Elm Bl, Meadowville, NY 12345
  • 512 W. Elm Bl., Meadowville, NY 12345
  • 512 West Elm Blvd, Meadowville, NY 12345


  • 512 East Elm Boulevard, Meadowville, NY 12345


If anyone can assist me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Edited by AngelBenitez
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This is another "unmaking the soup" kind of thing, but it's doable.  Probably the easiest thing is to just have a list of substitutions to apply to the entire string of text.  And you'll want to use regular expressions to match whole words, and not just replace, say, every E that's part of another word with East.  A regular expression can also be told to match the abbreviation either with or without the trailing dot/period.  Something like this:

var subs = {
    N: "North",
    S: "South",
    E: "East",
    W: "West",
    Ave: "Avenue",
    Bl: "Boulevard",
    Blvd: "Boulevard",
    St: "Street",
    Ste: "Suite",
    // etc., add more as needed

var address = "512 N Elm Blvd., Ste. 200, Meadowville, NY 12345"; // or Field("Address") etc.

for (var s in subs)
    var re = new RegExp("\\b(" + s + "\\b\\.?)", "g"); // word boundaries, and zero or one dot/period
    address = address.replace(re, subs[s]);

return address;
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