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Remove Roman Numerials


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This is another one you could Google for, something like "javascript strip roman numerals."

Assuming that the Roman numerals are at the end of the string, and that they're numbers less than 90, then it's pretty simple:

var s = "Digtal Media Specialist III"; // field value etc.
return s.replace(/\s*[IVXL]+$/, '');
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51 minutes ago, AngelBenitez said:

Hello @Dan Korn; thank you for your help. If the value is being pulled from an Excel sheet, what would be the rule to remove the variable in the Excel sheet?

You would just call the Field function to grab the value from the named data field, for Excel or any other input data format, something like this:

var s = Field("Title");
return s.replace(/\s*[IVXL]+$/, '');

Or if it's from an XDF, something like:

var s = XDF.GetFieldValue(recordNum, "Title");
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