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Line is not suppressing

Ellie Mae

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Postcard with address imprint.


I have "first name" field and "last name field" with a space between the fields. I am suppressing both fields if empty, but I am still getting a blank line in the address area. I am assuming because FP is still reading the "space" I enter between the fields. Is there any way to suppress this entire line?



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I am assuming because FP is still reading the "space" I enter between the fields. Is there any way to suppress this entire line?




Can you output to a FULLNAME field instead out of your mailing software? If a Dear <first> is used in also, just output both and assign accordingly.

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Yes. That is what we had to do. I do have a job that requires first name only, but I guess we will have to allow another field to accomplish that.


We ran across this in another job where they wanted to insert bullets between fields and some of those fields were suppressed. Don't recall what we had to do. I think we removed them.



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