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Insert Multiple PDF w/Multiple pages

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I want to create a benefits package for each employee of a company.

I will need to import different PDF's based on what each employee has signed up for in their benefit plan. The data would be similar to this:


Name Medical Dental Vision Insurance

John Doe 1 1 0 0

Jane Doe 1 1 1 1

Tome Doe 1 1 0 1



Program Flow

If Medical ==1 include medical.pdf (40 pages)

If Dental ==1 include Dentaal.pdf (16 paged)

If Vision ==1 Include Vision.pdf (8 pages)

If Insurance==1 Include Insurance.pdf (6 pages)



How do I import multiple page PDF's ???????

Each PDF will always include an even number of pages so each new section will begin on the right side of the booklet.




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