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Duplex not working


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Hello, I am a new user to the Fusion Pro Desktop. I am having trouble getting my job to duplex print. I went into Imposer and selected duplex layout and saved my setting. When I compose my job I selected the imposer file and my job still does not duplex. I even went into my printer setting and set deplex as my default. Any help would be great!



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Hello, I am a new user to the Fusion Pro Desktop. I am having trouble getting my job to duplex print. I went into Imposer and selected duplex layout and saved my setting. When I compose my job I selected the imposer file and my job still does not duplex. I even went into my printer setting and set deplex as my default. Any help would be great!



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So that we are understanding what you are attempting to do, are you trying to do a multiple-up of the postcard, or is this issue more inline with subset finishing?

The "Step and Repeat" is used to specify the amount of postcards that you would like

to fit on your press sheet for the Imposition. If this is an attempt at specifying your finishing options such as duplexing, stapling, etc.. you may need to configure this on your press / RIP solution.

FusionPro limited as far as subset finishing options. You can only compose to the PostScript output format, which will require you to know the postscript commands for subset finishing on your device for this to work. Let us know if this is what you are attempting to do.

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It is much easier than that. I am just trying to do a simple duplex print. I have a 2 page pdf. In my data I have 4 code, to make it simple they are A,B,C,D. I set up 8 letter resources. Code A page1, Code A page2, Code B page1, Code B page2, Code C page1, code C page2, code D page1 and code D page 2. I then created 1 rule that looks at the code in the data and pulles the correct page1 letter. I then created a second rule that looks at the code in the data and pulls the correct page2 letter. In the text frame on page 1 I inserted the rule that pulls the correct page 1 and on page 2 I inserted the page 2 rule in the text frame. All my correct letters print but it will only print in simplex mode. I need to print it duplex.
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