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Is there any way to refer to the page NUMBER rather than the page NAME in JS to avoid adding custom naming to large PDFs?


I have a 200+ page file that I want to print specific pages of for each record. I tried using the code:

for (i=1;i<Field("START");i++) {
for (i=Field("END")+1;i<=243;i++) {

but got the error 'Page "1" does not exist'. Records may print pages 1-18, 212-240, or 113-186 in no particular order. I would prefer not to have to manually name each page. Do I have any other options??

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Thanks sir. I actually tried something along these lines after my post last night, but I was trying to set up template pages and overflow pages with <story> and <copyhole> tags, and I can't figure out how to use the markup with a separate data source and merge both with a template. Look for that as a separate post in the near future. ;)
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