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Repeat Records then create new page


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I am job where I have 1000 records with the name and information to create a Code128 barcode. I need to loop through the records and place only 6 barcodes on the sheet then create a new page and put the next 6 until all 1000 are complete. Does anyone have an example to loop through the database create the layout and then create a new page?
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I am job where I have 1000 records with the name and information to create a Code128 barcode. I need to loop through the records and place only 6 barcodes on the sheet then create a new page and put the next 6 until all 1000 are complete. Does anyone have an example to loop through the database create the layout and then create a new page?


Sure, do it once and use Imposer to create a six up layout. No need to loop..

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