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unwanted space at the top of cells


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I am creating a table and each cell has some white space at the top of every cell that I do not want. the paragraph has no leading before, the top margin is 0.


I am at a loss.


here is the code for the entire table and the font and leading settings from the validation window.


<f name = "fontname1"><z newsize="12.0"><leading newsize = 134><p br=false lindent="0" findent="0" leadbefore="0" leadafter="0"><tracking newsize="0"><table columns="2" alignment="left"><column width="8700"><column width="29100"><row><cell margins="top:000;bottom:180" rulings="top:thick,Black60;bottom:medium,Black60"><p br=false leadbefore = 0><p br=false quad="L" findent="0" lindent="0">SECTION <cell margins="top:000;bottom:180" rulings="top:thick,Black60;bottom:medium,Black60"><p br=false leadbefore = 0><p br=false quad="L" findent="0" lindent="0"></table>

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