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Rich text editor on versioned items


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Is there any documented "best practices" to follow while making a versioned template in order to allow the rich text editor to properly work. I get many awkward instances if i change to different alignments or if i change the text more than one time. It seems that the editor degrades the text as more than one change is made to a variety of settings. I can see if the font is not loaded then the bold or italicized setting might not work. The only constant is the underline option.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Hadrian,


If you are experiencing unexpected results when using the Rich Text Editor, I recommend contacting your CPM or Technical Support to discuss. Many items of the Rich Text Editor require the template to be configured a certain way; however, we would like to review your specific use case in order to determine whether or not there is an issue with the tool.


With regard to the browsers, the Rich Text Editor is supported in all browsers that are supported by the system, of if you are expericincing significant differences, then I would recommend contacting either your CPM or Technical Support.

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