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Changing text color based on background variable?


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Hey folks, I'm new to this FusionPro program, and I have zero experience with JavaScript, so I apologize up front if this is something that's already covered, and/or my terminology is all "n00b"-tastic..... I'm trying to create a rule so that the font color on 3 of 5 text variables will be black when a certain background image is chosen. Is this possible? Or do I have to setup separate files?


Just to give a little detail, the job I'm working on (and certainly tons more in the future) are printed articles; a lot of the articles are either in 4-color or black & white. The title and authors are already in black text, however the volume, issue and date are a blue color with the 4-color cover. When a customer chooses a black & white version of the article, naturally I want ALL text to be black. So that's where I am...

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Stack- this is possible. How are the background images chosen? If they are decided by variables in the data, then use a rule to change the color of the text accordingly. This thread: http://forums.printable.com/showthread.php?t=27 might help a bit.


The background will be chosen via a dropdown box on the store front, which I haven't setup yet. I guess ultimately the first choice on the store front will be "Color" or "Black & White", and that dropdown will determine whether the text in question will be either blue or black.


It looks like that link you provided probably will help me, but not until I have a better grasp on JS coding and what not...

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