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dynamic external data files and resources from web service


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I was wondering if it's possible to load an external data file from a web service. I would like to be able to create the external data files dynamically during processing instead of creating multiple text files in advance. I tried doing this and the external file doesn't load.


I also have a library of images on an external server that I would like to be able to use to create resources. Again, it doesn't look like this is possible but I thought I'd check just to be sure.


If the files must be local, would it be possible to use javascript to copy them down locally and then use them?

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By local do you mean within you local intranet or on the system you are running FP? You just need the resources available somewhere that you have access to on your network.


For the external data files you could setup a database website that updates your files in a folder on your local network. We have a system in place that performs that very task.

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