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indexOf Array


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Hello all,


Need help with finding the index of an array element. I've created an array and called it CpnArray. When I attempt the following:




FusionPro tells me that CpnArray.indexOf is not a function.


I don't want to set up an external file and look up the record... That is going to eat up too much memory and time for this job.


Can I not look up the index of an element in an array? That seems way to simple of a Javascript concept to not be implemented.


Please help!

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Hello all,


Need help with finding the index of an array element. I've created an array and called it CpnArray. When I attempt the following:




FusionPro tells me that CpnArray.indexOf is not a function.


I don't want to set up an external file and look up the record... That is going to eat up too much memory and time for this job.


Can I not look up the index of an element in an array? That seems way to simple of a Javascript concept to not be implemented.


Please help!


indexOf is a method of the String object and returns the starting position of a search string within another string. Arrays are not really searchable in that respect. What are you trying to accomplish with this array?

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I see. I was attempting to use an array of Letters that correspond to page numbers in a PDF file for variable coupons:



var CpnArray = [ "A", "B", "C", "D", etc. ];


when my data file came as version B, I wanted to look up the index of letter B, which would tell me to place page 2 of my coupon file.


if I were to declare the variable as a string ("ABCDEFG"), I then could use indexOf?


Thanks for your help... I only know enough to be dangerous.

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