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Snow Leopard Support?


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We do plan to support Snow Leopard in an upcoming release hopefully before the end of the year in a new release of the FusionPro Desktop product. At the moment, we are just finishing up the new FusionPro 6.1 release which brings DirectSmile and AFP output support. The release after 6.1 is what we are targeting Snow Leopard support in. This is our very next focus after the 6.1 release.


For the time being, we do not recommend upgrading to Snow Leopard if you intend to use FusionPro Desktop on that machine.

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6.1 will be a complementary upgrade to all 6.0 license holders. In general, the "minor" releases (5.1, 5.8, 6.1, etc) are complementary upgrades. Major upgrades (5.0, 6.0, 7.0) are offered at an upgrade price.


The major new functionality in 6.1 - AFP and DirectSmile - both require specific versions of our FP Direct, FP Server, or MarcomCentral products with optional add-ons that need to be purchased to achieve this functionality. You can contact our sales team at Sales@printable.com for additional information on purchasing these add-ons.


Besides this new functionality, there are a number of bug fixes in 6.1 as well. We will be posting information about this release imminently so stay tuned for more info...

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