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Postnet Barcode Formula in Excel

Ellie Mae

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I am receiving csv files with a formula in the PostNet Barcode column. This seems to be confusing Fusion Pro. How do I keep that formula out of my csv file and just keep the straight numbers for Fusion Pro to create the bar code? Is there something I can do in FusionPro to get around this? The csv file is being created in BCC 2010LE.




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I get a funky "code" if I open my CSV files in Excel and resave them before importing into FP. I believe Excel reformats that column when the file is first opened. If this sounds like your problem and you need to open your data files, you should open them with a text editor app instead of Excel. On the Mac, I like to use a freeware app called Smultron for this purpose. :)
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Thanks. I am also being told I can fix the problem by unlocking the column and changing the value back to a numerical value rather than formula in the "Values" section. I did get it corrected this way but I have also heard about doing it in a text editor, which I may try too. - Thanks.


"In Excel, highlight and click Copy on that column and then right click, select Paste Special. And mark the Values selection, click OK. Then save as a tab delimited text file. If I'm understanding you correctly."

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