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Discard Commas before Suffix


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I am building business cards for a hospital and I need a way to get rid of commas if the field "Suffix" is empty. For example, if Joe Smith doesn't want his suffix on the business card, it should read "Joe Smith"

But if he does want a suffix, let's say MD, it should read "Joe Smith, MD"


I have tried some of the code listed in this forum for similar situations, for example:


if(Field("Suffix") == "")

return Field("Prefix") + " " + Field("First") + " " + Field("MI") + " " + Field("Last")


return (Field("Prefix") + " " + Field("First") + " " + Field("MI") + " " + Field("Last") + "," + " " + Field("Suffix"));


but none of it is working. I am using Fusion Pro 6.0. Can anyone help me? Thanks!

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I kept working on it and answered my own question. I just created a rule:


if(Field("Suffix") == "")

return ""


return ", "


Then I went into the variable text field, deleted the comma and space I had between the last name and suffix, and inserted the newly created Comma Out rule in it's place. Works like a charm!

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