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Direct return code 4555


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Hello David,


<publicServiceAnnouncement>Sorry for the delay in reply. This user community relies largely on peer support between our customers and is monitored by Printable employees. For more urgent support, please contact our support team directly and we can assist you.</publicServiceAnnouncement>


The 4555 error from FusionPro Direct is an error code that is encountered when the FusionPro Direct machine has an internal communication issue between the underlying application components that comprise the FusionPro Direct product.


Often, this is a signal of blocked ports that FusionPro Direct needs to communicate on. Please check that you have all the necessary ports opened (via the "Validate ports" button in the "General Setup" tab of the FusionPro Direct Configuration program).


If you do see that any of the ports are blocked, please open them up in the Firewall on your computer.


Try re-submitting a job to FusionPro Direct to see if it now composes. If you are still getting a 4555 error and you have verified ports are opened, try a reboot of your computer as this is sometimes required for Windows to enact change to the open ports in the Firewall.


If this doesn't resolve your issue, please contact our support team directly and they will be able to assist you.


Thanks David.

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