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PPML files have no bleed


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When i compose my FP pdf to a ppml file, it doesn't bleed any image. FP doesn't display the bleed when i am working with the pdf like normal. It just has a eighth inch bleed line around the oustide of the finish piece. Which is normal. When i compose it to a pdf file it bleeds just fine. But when i change the composition from PDF to PPML it does not show any bleed. Even if i put the crop marks in, it will compose it large enough for the crop marks to be there but there is no bleed past the crop marks. This is so frustrating, can anyone help me?




Jordan Hickok

Auburn Printers

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  • 1 year later...
I am also experiencing this problem. I had a very complex Variable job that I really needed to assign the variable frames in InDesign and export using the FP plugin. When I compose to a PDF file everything is included, but my DocuSP RIP crawls on the job. However, when I compose to a PPML file the RIP screams through it, but the Bleeds don't show up. I saw another 'Thread' in this forum about the same topic, but there was never a resolution. Did you have any luck?
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