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Jpg Preivew specefic page?


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Howdy All -


I have a mutipage template that has variable on 4 pages. The user wants to be able to see all pages in the jpg preview. Is there a way to do that - or show specefic pages on the preivew? Like a page usage rule that triggers from the preview pane?



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Hello Mark,


I know of another customer who asked for this capability as well so all pages of the output can be viewed as images in the Store interface without requiring the user to download the PDF version of the piece. This seems to be a valuable enhancement that we can look to add to the system.


Are there others out there that have seen a need for this capability?

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Hi Mark,


This is definitely not the first time I have been asked about this. I think this would be a valuable addition. The question it brings to mind for me is this: what if they have a 20 page document with variable info on most of those pages? One person suggested that maybe the first 2-4 pages would be in the preview as this is a fairly reasonable number which would accommodate most people's needs.


Does anyone disagree?


If so, maybe we could have a small jpeg preview which scrolled up and down to show the entire document?




Audra McKay


Client Project Manager

Printable Technologies

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Yes, viewing through the store interface would be good.


Our P1 stores are for small dealers of our clients' products. Some are not too computer savvy and I suspect many are still using dial-up. The "low-res" proof setting has helped but what has been suggested here would be much better.

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