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Need to Crop and Rotate a Page


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I have a document that is two pages. Both pages need to be cropped in Acrobat to reflect the final document size (of 11"x11" -- currently they are 16.5"x11"). Additionally, I need to rotate the second page 180 degrees.


Problem: My co-worker (who I am filling in for today) has already prepped the document as the original full size document and the second page is not rotated. If I crop and rotate now that the document is 'wired-up' to Fusion Pro Desktop, the output is still unrotated.


How do I disassociate Fusion Pro's wire-up from the document so that I can let Acrobat rotate the page before Fusion Pro is aware of the rotation? Or am I going about this wrong? I do not want to modify the original InDesign doc and export again as there are several other problems that will pose.


Any advise would be helpful. I am trying to get a proof out to a client as we speak.




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If I understand the problem correctly, I would take the current PDF and drop it into a new, temporary InDesign file cropped and rotated as you want to do, then re-export a new PDF (new file name).


I would open the new PDF in FP and when linking to my data, I would choose the third option, "Import a data source from another document" and choose the .def file from the old PDF which would not only re-link my data, but also add my custom rules and resources.


I could then open the old FP file and use the FP "Select Frame" tool to copy FP frames from old document to new. Once I had a complete duplicate of the original FP file, albeit the correct size and rotation, I would close the old document and save the new PDF over it.


Sounds like a long process, but really doesn't take too much time. Plus, I have had similar problems as you describe when trying to rotate and crop PDFs in Acrobat once associated with FP. Going back to InDesign (temporarily) is usually less headache in the end.

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