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Trouble with Profile Text Attributes upload


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Hey there,


I've downloaded the Text Attributes template with all my user data included, updated the data then tried to reupload with no success. I've followed the format on the database and double checked all the entries. It will not upload and stall the page to where I cannot see the page no matter if I back out, log out or change the page and come back. This is happening to me in Firefox and Safari. When I download the template it is called "TPA example.xls", when I input new data in Excel it changes the name to "Workbook". I've tried renaming the file to 'TPA example.xls" and this has not helped the situation.


Am I doing it wrong or is this a glitch?





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What version of Excel are you using? Currently FP does not accept files from Office 2007, however, they can be saved down to the 03 legacy version which uses the .xls extension.


Also, there is no longer the need to format your excel database by selecting all cells to "text". This maybe your issue as well. If none of this helps, attach your Excel file and we can go from there.

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FusionPro Web does not support any Bulk Ops/Upload Multiple functionality from a Mac. We do get feedback that it works in some situations, but it is not an action we test and/or support. To complete this task, you will need to upload your "TPA example.xls", from a PC using IE Explorer.

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