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Bleed not exporting


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When I export a document from CS2, the resulting pdf does not include the bleed margin. I have tried changing the bleed number on the screen where it asks for the file name, but it has no effect. What am I doing wrong?


Thank you,

Richard Green

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Hey guys... a couple of questions: Is the bleed not showing on the PDF created out of the creative suite or is the bleed not showing up on Final Ripped files? What application specifically are you using to export the PDF,indesign? If the problem is occurring after the RIP, it may be the RIP not honoring the bleed settings in the pdf. Open your PDF (prior to attaching a data list to it) and go to Documents > Crop Pages. In here you can set crop, trim, bleed, and art size to 0.
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Thanks for the replies. I found the reason for this in the user's guide:


After exporting the template file, the input PDF displays in Acrobat showing only the trim box, or

printed page, which is the “page size” of the original document. The bleed information is

contained as part of the input PDF’s document properties but since only the printed page is

shown, the bleed area will not appear. This occurs because neither Acrobat nor FusionPro knows at

this point the size of the page media, or paper, that the output file will be printed on.

Set the custom page media under the Print tab of the Composition Settings dialog box and compose

the job. This allows Acrobat to display the printed page along with the page media. The result is

that both the printed page and the bleed box will appear on your screen. As long as the page media

is larger than the printed page, then you will see the bleed box along with any printing marks that

you specified.

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...What am I doing wrong?


Thank you,

Richard Green

Nothing (probably) :D


After you export, go to FusionPro > Compose... This opens the Composition Settings dialog box. Go to the Imposition tab and look at the bleed value:



If your bleed value is showing, then you're fine.



So, why can't you see the bleed area in your template?


When we export the file, the PDF template only shows the final trim size. As long as you can see the bleed value in the dialog box above, then we are including. If you want to double check, then there's a simple trick: compose a single record for the template but, in the Imposition tab above, choose to use a custom page size, create a "page" that is larger than the the template, set the X and Y offsets so that the template isn't the upper left corner, and make sure that crop marks are selected.


For example. if I wanted to check a standard sized business card, the dialog box could look like this:




Then compose it and you will see the bleed box. Just remember that the template you are working on is only displaying the trim box on the screen but the bleed box is still included.

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I've tried the test suggested here and it doesn't seem to be doing anything. This file was built inside of acrobat using pitstop. The original size is 3.625x2.125 for a final cut size of 3.5x2. I need the 1/16 bleed to fit 24up on a 12x18. Is there a minimum bleed setting?



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