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Removing commas from inline graphics output

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I am using a script suggested from another thread called "floating images". The script works perfect except for one thing, it adds commas and I want to suppress them. The following is my script:


var cellImg = Resource("cell").content;
var voiceImg = Resource("voice").content;
var faxImg = Resource("fax").content;
var emailImg = Resource("email").content;

var numbers = [
   [Field('EMAIL'), emailImg],
   [Field('PHONE'), voiceImg],
   [Field('CELL'), cellImg],
   [Field('FAX'), faxImg]
   ].filter(function(s){return s[1]}).map(
           return '<p br=false superoffset=70 superratio=100>' + s[1] + '<superscript> ' + s[0] + '</superscript>';

return numbers;


As I stated above, the script works fine but the output includes commas between each element. I do not want those commas. Just removing the commas between each element after the ']' results in errors. Can someone assist me with how I go about suppressing the commas?




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I think I resolved the issue. I added the following to the code:


].filter(function(s){return s[1]}).map(
           return '<p br=false superoffset=70 superratio=100>' + s[1] + '<superscript> ' + s[0] + '</superscript>';


Then, edited the size of the tab stops on the text frame to an appropriate size.


That worked for me. Having said that, any other suggestions would be great for the benefit of others. Thanks!

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Yes, the original script you posted returns an array – the elements within the array are separated by a comma when output. The join method joins the elements with something other than a comma and converts the returned element to a string.


So, in your second snippet, you're joining the element with a tab tag. But you could join them with a break tag (<br>) like in the original script, or a space, or any ole' string you want, really:

var cellImg = Resource("cell").content;
var voiceImg = Resource("voice").content;
var faxImg = Resource("fax").content;
var emailImg = Resource("email").content;

var numbers = [
   [Field('EMAIL'), emailImg],
   [Field('PHONE'), voiceImg],
   [Field('CELL'), cellImg],
   [Field('FAX'), faxImg]
   ].filter(function(s){return s[1]}).map(
           return '<p br=false superoffset=70 superratio=100>' + s[1] + '<superscript> ' + s[0] + '</superscript>';

return numbers[color="Red"].join("any ole' string you want");[/color]

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