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with extra data tables appearing


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My reporting form has been modified this year and I was trying out some new code that was a lot more condensed than my previous code.


However, it seems that the data table does not create a new one for each property but makes doubles and extras of the first table.


Can someone look at the code and forms and see what I missed?

I thought it had to do with clearing the data array but I can't figure out where I am running into trouble (probably because I have been staring at this code for weeks now). Any help would be greatly appreciated!


//Link to the external data file.  
//The '\t' is used to indicate TAB delimited data in this external data file
data = new ExternalDataFileEx("property.txt", "\t");

if (!data.valid)
  ReportError("Cannot successfully read/find the external data file.");

// Create empty
var tables = [];
var tbl = [];

//Get a count of the total number of records in the external data file
NumberOfRecords = data.recordCount;

var type = [
   ['Horses', 'Horses, Mules and Asses (ponies, donkeys, burros)*', 5.85],
   ['Cattle','Cattle (cows, bulls, yearlings)*', 2.29],
   ['Bison','Domestic Bison*', 6.38],
   ['Sheep','Sheep*', 0.54],
   ['Swine','Swine (report all swine three months of age or older)', 0.78], 
   ['Goats','Goats*', 0.54],
   ['Poultry','Poultry (chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks and other domestic birds raised as food or to produce feathers)', 0.05],
   ['Bees','Bees (number of hives or boards)', 0.41],
   ['Domestic','Alternative Livestock (privately owned caribou, mule deer, whitetail deer, elk, moose, antelope, mountain sheep, mountain goats indigenous to Montana)*', 26.23],    
   ['Ratites','Ratites (ostriches, rheas, emus)*', 9.37],
   ['Llamas','Llamas and Alpacas*' , 9.37]

//Now, loop through all records in the external data file and find the records that belong to the customer.
for (var n = 1; n <= NumberOfRecords; n++) 
   function ExField(field) { return data.GetFieldValue(n, field); }

   if (ExField("CID") == Field("Customer ID")) 

       //Create Table
       var myTable = new FPTable;

       myTable.AddColumns(26500, 5800, 7500, 10800);

       tbl.push(["County: " + ExField("County Name"), "Property ID: " + ExField("Property ID"), "", ""]); // Title
       tbl.push(["Livestock Type", "A <br> Count", "B <br> Fee Amount", "C <br> Calculate Total"]); // Header

           var [field, description, price] = s;
           field = ExField(field);
           description = "<leading newsize = 120>" + description;
           price = "  x  " + FormatNumber('$00.00', price).replace('$0','$  ')+ " = ";
           tbl.push([description, '', price,'']);

       // Footer
       tbl.push(["Add amounts in column C. <br><b>This is your total Per Capita Fee Amount due for this county.</b>", "", "", "<b>$</b>"]); 

       // Formatting 
       for (var i=0; i<tbl.length; i++) 
           var row = myTable.AddRow();
           var cell = row.Cells[0];

           cell.PointSize = 11; 
           cell.Margins = new FPTableMargins;
           cell.Margins = {Bottom: 10, Top: 23, Left: 250, Right: 250};
           row.CopyCells (0,1,2,3);
           row.minHeight = 1500;

           myTable.ShadingColor1 = 'White';
           myTable.ShadingPct1 = 100;
           myTable.ShadingRepeat1 = 1;
           myTable.ShadingColor2 = 'Black 9%';
           myTable.ShadingPct2 = 100;
           myTable.ShadingRepeat2 = 1;
           myTable.ShadingType = 'ByRow'; //or “ByColumn”

           if (i == 0) 
               cell.VAlign = 'Bottom';
               cell.Bold = 'On';  

           if (i == 1) 
               cell.PointSize = 10;
               cell.ShadeColor = "Brown";
               cell.ShadePct = 100;
               cell.TextColor = "White";
               cell.HAlign = "Center";
               cell.Bold = 'On';
               cell.SetBorders("Thin", "Black 25%","Top", "Bottom", "Right", "Left");
               row.minHeight = 3000;
               row.CopyCells (0,1,2,3);

           if (i > 1) 
               cell.Bold = 'Off';
               cell.SetBorders("Thin", "Black 25%","Top", "Bottom", "Right", "Left");
               cell.HAlign = "Left";
               row.minHeight = 1500;
               row.CopyCells (0,1,2,3);

           if (i == 13) 
               cell.PointSize = 10;
               cell.HStraddle = 3;
               cell.HAlign = "Right"; 

           cell.VAlign = 'Middle';
           row.CopyCells (0,1,2,3);

           //Assign the content
           var [col1,col2,col3,col4] = tbl[i];

       myTable.Rows[0].Cells[1].HStraddle = 3;
       myTable.Rows[13].Cells[3].HAlign = "Left";

       // Push variable into Array
return tables.join('<br>');

Reporting Form 2017.zip

Edited by Landisa
Updated with Code snippet
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