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Variable Problems


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I am trying to only have one coupon (resource), which can be used in 4 different positions, that uses a var1 that has different values depending on which text box is to be used. I am a not very experienced with Java, but here is what I have so far. I feel like I need some sort of way to determine which text box is to be used.


if (Field("COUPON_COD") == "C1")


return("MyVar1", Field("N_VAR_1"));


if (Field("COUPON_CO2") == "C1")


return("MyVar1", Field("N_VAR_1__2"));



if (Field("COUPON_CO3") == "C1")


return("MyVar1", Field("N_VAR_1__3"));


if (Field("COUPON_CO4") == "C1")


return("MyVar1", Field("N_VAR_1__4"));






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Help! I have a coupon resource that I need to change values depending on which text box is active. I wanted to have all text boxes using the same resource but changing the value of <<MyVar1>> with a rule that works by the flow of the text boxes, which I can seem to figure out. Any suggestions?

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I don't understand what you're trying to do. Can you post an example?


Are you trying to a return a specific value for a variable, "MyVar1", depending on which coupon field's value is "C1"? If so, your current code could just be modified to look like this:

if (Field("COUPON_COD") == "C1")
 return Field("N_VAR_1");
if (Field("COUPON_CO2") == "C1")
 return Field("N_VAR_1__2");
if (Field("COUPON_CO3") == "C1")
 return Field("N_VAR_1__3");
if (Field("COUPON_CO4") == "C1")
 return Field("N_VAR_1__4");



var i = 5;
while (--i > 2)
 if (Field("COUPON_CO" + i) == 'C1')
   return Field("N_VAR_1__" + i);
return (Field("COUPON_COD") == "C1") ? Field("N_VAR_1") : '';


Assuming you've named your text frames, you can see a text frame's name by checking the "Re-evaluate this rule for every text flow" and entering this rule:

return FusionPro.Composition.CurrentFlow.name;

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This was the code that I ended up with.

var r = [
var x = FusionPro.Composition.CurrentFlow.name
return r[x];


That works for you? As I said before, I (still) don't really understand what you're trying to do and while I'm happy if that code does what you're trying to do, I just don't understand it.


You've made an array named 'r'. Within 'r' you've put 4 fields, each within their own array. So assuming you've named your frames 0,1,2, and 3, I still don't understand how that could return a unique value for each frame. If your ultimate goal is to return Field("N_VAR_1") in frame "0", Field("N_VAR_1__2") in frame "1" and so forth, you'd need to modify your code to be:

var r = [
var x = FusionPro.Composition.CurrentFlow.name
return r[color="Red"][0][/color][x];

Or just get rid of the 2D array:

return [

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I am using a flat data file that has four coupons in it. Each coupon has different value(s) for their start dates... and other jobs could have different coupons in each position.


I just thought it would be easier to try and figure this out with just the values and then use it with everything else. I wanted code that would allow me to use only one resource which could be used in any position and pull the corresponding values from the file depending upon that position.


I like the later code you posted, it works for me. Excuse my code, I am very unfamiliar with JavaScript, but trying to learn it. Any suggestions for rapid learning JavaScrpit code for FusionPro?


Thank you for your help!

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Excuse my code, I am very unfamiliar with JavaScript, but trying to learn it. Any suggestions for rapid learning JavaScrpit code for FusionPro?

No worries! I just wanted to make sure you were able to accomplish what you were trying to do. If you discover a way to rapidly learn JavaScript, please share haha. My recommendation is simply to participate in this forum. Ask questions and ask for clarification if you don't understand a solution. Of course there are video tutorials as well.

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