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insert image into my text box so the image can flow with text

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I also wanted to have a graphic field flow with text but I can't get it to work. I wanted to add a signature image at the end of the text. I can't use the inline image rule because users need to upload images for the signature.


1. Graphic field is called "SignatureUpload".

2. I added the rule below:

"return CreateResource(Field("UploadSignature"), "graphic").content;"

3. The rule is a text rule and the name of the rule is "UploadSignature_Rule".

4. I added the rule to a variable text box. There is text above and below "UploadSignature_Rule".


Sample of my variable text box:

Dear «ClientFirstName»,










All the fields return text however the Signature rule returns nothing but white space.


Any suggestions? Do you need more info?


Thank you,



I am using: Fusion Pro VDP Designer 9.1.0, Acrobat Pro 9.5.4, Mac OS X 10.6.8.

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My main goal is to have an image of a signature inside of variable text box. I want it to flow with the text. The image is going to be dynamic. The user will be able to upload an image of their signature.


What would be the best approach in doing this?


Below is my Fusion Pro template.



I want the image of the signature to be where the orange text is in the image.


Thank you,



I am using: Fusion Pro VDP Designer 9.1.0, Acrobat Pro 9.5.4, Mac OS X 10.6.8.

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If you compose the job (not Preview), are there any messages about the graphic in the composition log (.msg) file?

Can you answer this question?

The user will be able to upload an image of their signature.

Upload how exactly? In some kind of web-to-print application? Which one? MarcomCentral? EFI Digital StoreFront? A custom application? Something else?

Here's the link to the image of my template.

I'm not sure how you think anyone is going to be able to analyze what's going wrong just by looking at a screenshot of the output. Can you collect up the job?

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I hope this helps. I have a link to my files below.


Okay. I'm not sure why you couldn't just attach the file here, but thanks.


So, I downloaded the files. But I don't see anywhere in there what you describe in the original post, specifically:

2. I added the rule below:

"return CreateResource(Field("UploadSignature"), "graphic").content;"

The rule in the template you uploaded has this syntax:

return Field("UploadSignature");

But even if I change the rule in the template you uploaded to have the syntax in your original post, and check the "Treat returned strings as tagged text" box, then I still get nothing in the output, which makes sense, because there's no data for that field in the sample data file.


So I'm not sure what exactly you think you're testing with this job. No data for the graphic file name means no graphic in the output. What else were you expecting to happen? There isn't even a graphic file present in what you uploaded, so what are you expecting me to test with?


Anyway, if I take a graphic file from my computer, say, a file called "logo.jpg", and I copy it into the same folder with the rest of the job files, and I edit the LHD2.txt data file to put "logo.pdf" as the value for the "UploadSignature" field, then voila, I get the inline graphic in the output.


If I instead modify the rule instead to call out a data field in your data file that actually has something that looks like a graphic file name in it, like so:

return CreateResource(Field("UploadDBAlogo"), "graphic").content;

Then I get the rule name in curly braces in the output, and nice error message in the log (.msg) file saying that that the file "SVNIC_blue.pdf" can't be found.


So, the moral of the story here is that, if you actually call out a data field that actually has the name of a graphic file that actually exists on your computer (in a place where FusionPro can find it, such as in the same folder as the template PDF), then guess what? It works! If you try to call out a data field with nothing in it, or that has the name of a graphic that doesn't exist, then, of course, it doesn't work.


Now that we have that straightened out, we can get back to your original question, which has something to do with "users need[ing] to upload images." If you could answer some of the questions that I asked about exactly what kind of upload is happening, in what kind of web application, then I might be able to help suggest something that will work in that system.

Edited by Dan Korn
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It's still not clear exactly what is working and what's not, although at least now we know that the context into which users are trying to upload a graphic is MarcomCentral.


How about this: Can you get an inline graphic to work when composing locally in Desktop, that is, in Acrobat on your computer (not through Marcom)?


If not, then let's get that working first before we try it in MarcomCentral.


If it's working in Desktop, then your question is a MarcomCentral specific one, which should be asked on the MarcomCentral forum.

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