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importing multiple PDF files with multiple pages in them


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I have a project where I need to flow in multiple pdf files that have any where from 2 to 26 pages in them based on multiple fields in the data. I have the overflow working correctly and when I use the code below I can import the first page of the documents just fine. This is one many rules.


if (Field("CPP1") != "")



Pic = '<graphic file="' + Field("CPP1") + ".pdf" + '">';

TempPic = CreateResource (Field("CPP1") + ".pdf", "graphic", true);


if (TempPic.exists)


return Pic;




When i use this code the 2 pagers will show up but in reverse order, page 2 then page 1.


if (Field("BED2") != "")


var PDFResourceFile = (Field("BED2") + ".pdf");

var FirstPageNumber = Int("1");

var FirstPageCount = Int("1");

var SecondPageNumber = Int("2");

var SecondPageCount = Int("1");

var result = "";

var pdf = new FusionProResource(PDFResourceFile, "graphic");

pdf.pageNumber = FirstPageNumber;

for (var i = 1; i <= FirstPageCount; i++)

result += pdf.content + "\n";

pdf.pageNumber = SecondPageNumber;

for (var i = 1; i <= SecondPageCount; i++)

result += pdf.content + "\n";

return result;



Any help would be great.


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Try this adjustment...


if (Field("BED2") != "")  {
  var PDFResourceFile = (Field("BED2") + ".pdf");
  var result = "";
  var pdf = new FusionProResource(PDFResourceFile, "graphic");
  var pdfPages = pdf.countPages
  for (var i = 1; i <= pdfPages; i++) {
     pdf.pagenumber = i;
     result += pdf.content + "\n";
return result;

With this text rule no matter how many pages your document has, it will place all of them in line AND in the proper order.


Good Luck.

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First thanks for the quick help.


I did try this code and it imported all the pages but in reverse order again. Also I have multiple "IF" rules like this one that I am trying to flow into one overflow story. This code will import the first "IF" Rule but stops importing after the first one. Could I be doing something wrong in calling the rules in the text editor? Here's a sample.









Thanks again


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