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how to keep inline graphic and text together


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I'm working on a business card. In one of the frames, I want to give the user the possibility to add a website, a facebook address and a twitter address. Everything is calculated in a rule that returns a string with all the needed information.

I want to represent facebook and twitter by their graphic image by using an inline graphic. I would also like to keep the graphic and its text together if there is not anough space on a line, but I do not know how. I tried with an   between the graphic image and the text, but this does not work (see attached image). I find back my image at the end of one line and the text on the next line

Does someone has an idea how I could solve this?

The text string that I return looks like

<magnify type=text factor=90><f name="Myriad Pro"><z newsize="9">

<b>abc@a.com</b><br><z newsize="9">B-1047 Brussels - Tel. +32 2 11-12345 - Fax +32 2 11-98765<br>

<z newsize="9"><b>www.website1.com - www.website2.com - <graphic file="E:\dsf_vdp_data\DAM\IMAGES\cc_fb.pdf"> MyFacebook - <graphic file="E:\dsf_vdp_data\DAM\IMAGES\cc_tw.pdf"> MyTwitter</b></magnify>


Edited by ivdb
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Your code looks like you're using a non-breaking space and a space. You should take that space out:

<z newsize="9"><b>www.website1.com - www.website2.com - <graphic file="E:\dsf_vdp_data\DAM\IMAGES\cc_fb.pdf"> MyFacebook - <graphic file="E:\dsf_vdp_data\DAM\IMAGES\cc_tw.pdf"> MyTwitter</b></magnify>

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