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PDF-file "eaten" by DAM-system

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I have had a pdf-file "eaten" by my DAM-system before the nightly backup was run. :mad:


But I still have my .dif and .def file. :)


I can easily create the artwork pdf-file again. And then create the text and graphic frames.


But is there an easy way to import the .dif and .def into a pdf-file.


I can see that they are just text-files so all the rules and text resources are there to copy-paste. But maybe I could just do an import or something like that?

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Hi Ste


Thanks. Tried it but it did not work.

I am on OS X and the def-file was just greyed out in the file dialog.

But other files were not.


So I changed the type and creator of the file.

Then I could choose it and it worked.


Thanks a lot.


This is a great forum. Hopefully I can soon contribute when my knowledge about FusionPro becomes greater.

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