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Copyfit issue


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I have a current online project. I want to be able to use different sets of values for different frames with "Copyfit" Rule.

I tried applying a rule that I found in the user guide, but I'm having a problem with it because I'm not sure how to apply the Frames to the rule expressions.

I need one frame to be Text copy fit and another frame to be Leading copy fit.

Thank you,

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You can use conditional statements within OnCopyFit rules. You simply name the text boxes that you wish to use and use these text box names in your rule.


if (FusionPro.Composition.CurrentFlow.name == "TextBoxName1")

.....(!Copyfit(new MagnifyAttributes("text", 25, 400, 6, 72)));


.....(!Copyfit(new MagnifyAttributes("leading", 50, 200, 8.25, 18)));


RreportWarning("Could not copyfit text in flow " +



Using this conditional statement in the OnCopyFit rule FusionPro will look at the name of the text box that it is being applied on. If the name is "TextBoxName1" then it will adjust the text by altering the size of the text. If the name is anything else other than "TextBoxName1" - even blank - then it will adjust the leading to make the text fit.


There was a downloadable book on the previous Forum site called "How to Use Copyfitting in FusionPro". If I can find it on my system, I'll forward a copy of it in here.


Good Luck

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After clumsily looking where to apply the Text Box name, I found it in the Text Frame Dialogue box. Then I named that box and applied it to the rule and IT WORKED! Thank you very much!


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I'm glad to hear that you got this to work. I was unable to locate the copy pdf copy that I use to upload it on this site, but I "googled" the document name and found an updated version of it for you. Unfortunately I am not able to upload a 1.7MB file since it is 1.5MB above my quota rating for attachments. If you send me an personal message with your e-mail I'll be glad to forward a copy to you. Or you could just go to this link and get one yourself...







Could you please add this pdf file and the other "how to" manuals that were on the old forum to the "documentations section".



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You are awsome!

I downloaded the pdf that you suggested. There is all kinds of info that I can use. One problem I have been having is copyfitting with leading. I apply it as auto-leading type, but the way the lines of type are arranged it's either too tight or too loose. It just doesn't look natural. I usually have to trial and error a hundred times before I can get something that looks okay for the customer to use. Maybe you know of any default settings or tricks I can use to get the leading to look more natural.

I will also be reading the copyfit pdf you sent so maybe the info is in there.

Thanks so much for your help.


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  • 1 month later...

Hello all,

BTW, I think I have improved the copyfit leading situation. I simply changed the leading ratio to 100% in my rule. Before is was set at a default of 120%. I hadn't realized that the ratio is indicating the percentage of leading relative to the point size of the font being used. So if the font point size is 14pt, for example, then the space in between (or leading) should also be 14pt. My problem was with the ratio percentage being higher or lower than 100%, it was creating a paragraph with an unnatural looking flow.

So my recommendation from now on for any copyfit leading is to use a 100% ratio percentage.



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