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Add padding to the left based on text length


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I have a letterhead I need the address info to be on the top right corner, but aligned left, where the end of the furthest right letter of the Address and/or Address2 lines up with the 8" mark.


To compensate for this, I have set a rule that calculates how many spaces it needs to use as padding to before each line. (Feel free to point out a better way.)


The below code keeps erroring out on line 52: Error: execution limit exceeded.


I'm not sure why it wouldn't work. Any ideas?



var frameWidth = 2; // set width of the text box (in inches)

// Use TextMeasure to get the length of each company name
var space = new FusionProTextMeasure;
space.pointSize = "8 pt"; // set the type size
space.font = "HelveticaNeue Condensed"; // set your typeface
space.CalculateTextExtent(" ");
space.useTags = false;
var spaceWidth = space.textWidth;

// Use TextMeasure to get the length of each company name
var address1 = new FusionProTextMeasure;
address1.pointSize = "8 pt"; // set the type size
address1.font = "HelveticaNeue Condensed"; // set your typeface
address1.useTags = false;
var addressWidth = address1.textWidth;

// Use TextMeasure to get the length of each company name
var address2 = new FusionProTextMeasure;
address2.pointSize = "8 pt"; // set the type size
address2.font = "HelveticaNeue Condensed"; // set your typeface
address2.useTags = false;
var address2Width = address2.textWidth;

// Use TextMeasure to get the length of each company name
var gap = new FusionProTextMeasure;
gap.pointSize = "8 pt"; // set the type size
gap.font = "HelveticaNeue Condensed"; // set your typeface
gap.CalculateTextExtent(" • ");
gap.useTags = false;
var gapWidth = gap.textWidth;

var i=1

var success = false
while (success ==  false)
   if (Field("Address2") != "") //if there is an address2
       if((spaceWidth*i) + addressWidth + gapWidth + address2Width >= frameWidth*7200) //if there is an address 2 and the width is greater or equal to frameWidth
               success= true; //then stop looking
       else i= i+1; // if there is an address 2 and the width is less than frameWidth
   if ((spaceWidth*i) + addressWidth >= frameWidth*7200) //if there is no address 2 and the width is greater than frameWidth
       success= true; //then stop looking
   else i= i+1; // if there is no address 2 and the width is less than frameWidth  #### ERRORS OUT ON THIS LINE  ####

var result = Array(i).join('space');

return result;

Edited by Meir
The end code tag did not display.
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I'm not sure what you are trying to return in your result. What is "Array(i)" intended to return?


I would build your result first and then measure the entire line at the same time. Then I would offset the line by the difference of the frame width and the text width like so:

// Set variables
var frame = 2; // width of text box in inches
var address = Trim(Field("Address"));
var address2 = Trim(Field("Address2"));

var result = '';
// Add Address to result if it contains a value
if (address != '') result += address;
// add bullet and Address2 if applicable
if (address2 != '' && result != '') result += ' • ' + address2;
// or add Address2 alone if result was previously empty
else if (address2 != '') result += address2;

if (result != '') {
// measure length of result
var txt = new FusionProTextMeasure;
txt.pointSize = "8"; // set the type size
txt.font = "Futura Book"; // set your typeface

// calculate indent amount
var offset = (frame * 7200) - txt.textWidth;

// add indent to result
   result = '<p findent="' + offset + '">' + result;

return result;

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For cleaner code, you could replace all of this:

var address = Trim(Field("Address"));
var address2 = Trim(Field("Address2"));

var result = '';
// Add Address to result if it contains a value
if (address != '') result += address;
// add bullet and Address2 if applicable
if (address2 != '' && result != '') result += ' • ' + address2;
// or add Address2 alone if result was previously empty
else if (address2 != '') result += address2;


with this:

var addresses = [Trim(Field("Address"),Trim(Field("Address2")];
var result = addresses.filter(Boolean).join(" • ");

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