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Listing using External Data File


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Good Morning.


Working on a project that requires listing a code on a letter that utilizes an external data file. While I am able to list the code on one column, I would like to be able to list the code over multiple columns. So if I have five codes to list, it will appear like so:


******X ******X





If I have 12 codes to list from the external data it will appear like so:


******X ******X ******X

******X ******X ******X

******X ******X ******X

******X ******X ******X


So as you can see, I will not always have the same number of codes to list for each record and since there are paragraphs immediately after I list these codes, the amount of space I have is limited.


Is there some kind of "counter", if you will, that I can use in Fusion Pro that will tell it to start a new column if it reaches a certain number? Any direction/instruction would be greatly appreciated! :)

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Below is the code I am using to list the codes. The codes are showing in one columm. I would like them to overflow to the next column if there is more than 4 codes to list for each column. Thanks for any help. :):D




var myTable = '<table columns=4><column width=9000><column width=9000><column width=9000><column width=9000><alignment="left"';

myTable += '<margins = "top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0">';

myTable += '<drawbrule = "false">'

var numRecsExtDF = externalDF.recordCount;

for (recordWalker=1; recordWalker <= numRecsExtDF; recordWalker++)


if (externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'letterid') == Field("letterid"))


myTable += '<row><cell>' + NormalizeEntities(externalDF.GetFieldValue(recordWalker, 'coid'))




myTable += '</table>';

return myTable;

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