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PostScript on an HP Indigo


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Has anyone been able to successfully rip a variable postscript file on an HP indigo. My end goal is to have the Indigo pull different substrate for different pages in my variable document. Any help would be much appreciated. I am running FP 5 on a Mac and printing to and Indigo 5000 via an HP production Manager RIP.
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I make a PDF file from FusionPro 5.8 on my Mac, then send it to my HP 5500 rip or my HPPS rip. The HPPS rip works great. It is fast and accurate. The largest job I had is 45,000 records. It took about 10 hours to RIP. I am sure it could have been faster if I did a different file format but PDF is the easiest. Our normal record count is about 5,000.



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