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Multiple page file outputs from single product??


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I have a product that contains 5 different collateral pieces, a 2-sided postcard, a poster, a flyer, and 2 email graphics. They are all different sizes but contain the same versioned info. For example, the customer uses this product and types once, a show name, location and time and it adds that info to all of the collateral pieces. The product creates a on-demand downloadable pdf with all of the pieces in one file. I want to be able to download each piece separately and in 2 different formats, pdf and jpg. So when the order is placed on the Marcom store it will allow me to download just the 2-sided postcard as a pdf, the poster as a separate pdf, the flyer as a separate pdf and the 2 email pieces as separate jpgs.

Does anyone know a way to do this?

The next thing would be the ability to name each piece based off the show name.

It looks like version 9 is suppose to come out in the next month but I don't know if that will help with the ability to do any of this.

Any help would be great. Thanks

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