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Imposer cropping off top .875"


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I have created a label which is 4.75" x 2.75". When I compose it without imposing it, each label looks fine. When I impose it, however, the top .875" is cropped off. The crop marks are in the correct position, but there's .875" of white space between the top crop marks and the cropped off label.


Imposer version 5.1.13 (Mac). Width: 4.75", Height: 2.75", Bleed: .125", Pages per record: 1, Crop Marks: On, Offset: .125", Length: .25", Image Shift Center: Off, Left: 1", Bottom: .25", Sheet Size: Tabloid Extra (12"x18"), Simplex, Rotation: 0 degrees, Stack: 250, Horizontal: 2, Hor Spacing: 0, Vertical: 5, Ver Spacing: 0.


I've tried composing to both PDF and JLYT, both of which are cropped short. Even if I impose only one per sheet, it's cropped off. I've tried both Acrobat 7 and 8.

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I figured it out. I decided to check my InDesign document to see if there was anything unusual about it and found the slug values were set to 1" left, right, and top, and 2" bottom. When I changed these to 0, the problem was resolved.
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