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hiding labels that are different fonts than variable text

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Using FP v7.

I have a line as follows on a business card:


Email: jsmith@mail.com http://www.mail.com


I need the label "Email:" to dissappear if there is no email entered. I know how to do it if the label and the following text are the same font weight/type/etc, but in this case, the label is a different font from the text that follows.


Any tips on how I can do this? I couldn't find anything in the javascript code that would solve this :(

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The span tag is handy for stuff like this. Check out the post here: http://forums.pti.com/showthread.php?p=1819


Here's an example of one way this could be done using the span tag:

var emailline = "";

if (Field("Email").length > 0)
   emailline = '<span font="fontname1" bold="true">' + "Email: " + '</span><span font="fontname2" bold="false">' + Field("Email") + '</span>' + " ";

return emailline + '<span font="fontname3">' + "www.mail.com" + '</span>';

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