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Win a PTI hat! We need one more testimonial!

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We need one more client testimonial for each of our three award entries for the InterTech Technology Awards: http://www.printing.org/intertech. If you are a customer that uses FusionPro VDP Creator (formerly FusionPro Desktop), MarcomCentral, or FusionPro Expression Producer (Cloud), we need a client testimonial from you!


Today is the LAST DAY to provide a letter for these entries. If you could please email me with a client testimonial by COB Tuesday the 19th, I would greatly appreciate it! We'll even send you a black or white PTI hat for submitting a letter.


Thank you so much for your help!


Carrie James

Marketing Project Manager

PTI Marketing Technologies


(858) 847-6636

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Got my hat today. I forgot to mention my large noggin so a S/M hat was shipped, but it's the thought that counts and I'm sure my variable data co-worker will wear it proudly. ;)


Thanks, and let us know how FP fares in the voting!

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