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Appearance of 128 B Barcode Rule


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We recently upgraded our software and hardware, including an upgrade to the newest Mac version of FusionPro. I'm trying to run a job using a template created earlier this month, and I noticed that the appearance of the barcode when using the 128 B Barcode rule is different. In the below and attached image, you can see a screen grab of the output barcode and the version it was created with. The top (old) version is correct. Anybody else having issues with the barcode rule(s)?


For what it's worth, we're reinstalling the new version of FusionPro within Acrobat 9, instead of 10, which it is currently installed under. This should hopefully solve a couple other problems that have arisen since upgrading, and I suppose this problem could be corrected too. Won't know for sure til next week though.




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In case anybody is interested, this is a reply from Fusion Pro Support: "The barcode issue just only appeared in version 8 specific to the Mac install only. We will have a patch to correct this specific issue."
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