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Digital Asset Management System


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We have a client that has thousands of images and they would not only like to be able to order static and personalized pieces but also have a way to download digital assets. I know multiple digital asset systems work but does anyone know of one that works with or ties into MarcomCentral?


Currently I have a small subset of the images listed as static pieces and the SKU has an URL associated with it to download the image that we are hosting. This works OK but is not an optimal solution since they would have to go in and individual download images. It also created a problem because it links to the URL and just opens the JPG in a new window or tab in the internet browser. The ideal solution fix for the current solution would be to allow the user to click the download link and it to open a download dialog box.


Anyone else trying to figure out a solution or have a solution for clients looking for a digital asset system?

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Yes, this is exactly the functionality that MarcomCentral offers. Please contact your Project Manager for more information to get this implemented. Essentially its a Static Product in the system with download capability that they can immediately download or purchase and then download after they check out of the Store. It is very similar to how you describe, check it out.
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