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Image Collection Upload by User


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I'm having trouble with allowing users to upload images to an image collection.


My understanding for the set-up is the following:

1. Set the collection to "allow users to upload images" - done.

2. Enable "manage files" in the group - done.

3. Enable the user to "edit image collections" - done.


I was able to log-in to the store and upload an image successfully in the "File Manager" tab but the process didn't allow me to put the image into a collection. When I went to the template to see if the image was available in the collection, it showed 1 image of 2 available (the one it showed is one that is pre-populated in the template). The header of the image collection said "Displaying 1-2 of 2" but there was only the pre-populated image to select, the one from my image upload wasn't displayed.


Attached is a screen shot of the situation in the template.


I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but don't know what. Any help would be appreciated.

Image Collection.pdf

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