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Storefront Manager or Freelancer


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We are looking to hire a full-time Storefront Manager but are also looking for Freelance help until we find someone for that position.


The fulltime Manager position will be responsible for storefront development & storefront maintenance/support in all aspects. Responsibilities will include Storefront oversight, Template development, and communication with customers. This will be an on-site position in York, PA.


Freelancer is needed for template development and can be done remotely.


Please contact Amy LaPorte via email: amy.laporte@theygsgroup.com; by phone: 717-505-9701 x335.

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Hello Amy,


My name is Ronald Whitfield and I've been working with Printable/FusionPro for 7+ years, been in the Printing industry for 20+ years and a prepress operator for 15. I have my on copy of FusionPro Desktop and Adobe CS5.5. I have done work for various companies remotely and my fees are very competitive.


My Contact information if your interested is: 678-551-8989 or email me at rawdevelopment@hotmail.com.

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