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nasty png files


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I am evaluating FP Desktop as a possible VDP solution for my company. I have a job I am testing with it that we have previously done using DataMerge in InDesign CS4. There are 12 variable png image files that swap out along with jpgs and a static background built in Illustrator. The png files set over the background and jpgs. We used png because the background of the images needs to be transparent. While performing a preview and after composing the png files look really bad. Nasty edges and even worse drop shadows. These same images looked great through DataMerge. I have made sure to check "Never" on the down sampling tab when composing. Everything else looks great, just the pngs are bad. At the moment we are using a PDF workflow so I am composing to PDF rather than ppml. Any ideas...


FP Desktop 7.2P1K

Acrobat 9 Pro

Mac OS 10.6.8

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